Santiago Gonzalez Toral

Postgraduate Research Assistant - Data Science Eng en Universidad de Cuenca - Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación

Santiago Gonzalez Toral

I’m a Data Science Engineer and a Full Stack developer with more than 6 years of experience in enterprise, web, and mobile software development with free and Open Source technologies. Obtained my MSc in Web Science and Big Data Analytics at University College London in 2016, and my System’s Engineering degree at the University of Cuenca in 2012. I also have three years experience as a research assistant in the Computer Science Department at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Cuenca

Currently passionate about Distributed Big Data Science technologies and Cognitive computing.

For more information, check my personal website



Donde ha participado: Santiago Gonzalez Toral
Tech Disruptors

¡Buscamos soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras para mejorar la movilidad de Cuenca!


        Oscar Malgiaritta


A los que asistió Santiago Gonzalez Toral
Tipo de Evento Nombre Evento Rol
StartUPS HACKATÓN StartUPS-EMOV Participante