Natalia Zerda

Industrial Engineering BS (bilingual English), with a solid know-how in: International Business Development, Strategy, Marketing, Finances and International logistic in IT industry.

My Competences are focus in: team work, communication, leadership and high adaptation to multicultural and
interdisciplinary environments.

Especialidades: Identify business opportunities
Commercial strategy - Leads/prospect generation
International Business Plan for IT companies
Marketing and communication
Market Research



Donde ha participado: Natalia Zerda


imagine that just by hitting your cell phones you can add people to your social networks that you just met at a party, event, business meeting or wherever you want.


        Natalia Zerda


A los que asistió Natalia Zerda
Tipo de Evento Nombre Evento Rol
RocketPlace Accelerator Convocatoria RocketPlace 2019 Participante