Jose Manuel Ferreira Benavides

One step at a time.
Senior Software Developer en Teleperformance

Jose Manuel Ferreira Benavides

I currently work as the lead fullstack developer for a distributed RPA orchestration platform. My skillset revolves primarily around Python, project management and software architecture.

I am a proactive and passionate software developer with +5 years of professional experience building end-to-end data-driven applications to support business critical processes. I can help companies with webapps, backend services, data engineering, data modelling, RPA, and server administration.


Languages and frameworks: Python, Django, FastAPI, Pytest, Node.JS, .NET, React, Bootstrap, Tailwind.
Databases: SQL Server, sqlite, MariaDB, MongoDB, Redis.
Dev Tools: Prompt Engineering, Linux, WSL, Git, Gitlab, GitHub, Docker, SSIS, Power BI, Postman, Microsoft IIS, Windows Server, Sonarqube, Chrome DevTools, Jira,, Notion.
Cloud services: Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Collab, Microsoft AAD



Donde ha participado: Jose Manuel Ferreira Benavides
GG4All - Basic MVP only

Let's focus on the basic requirements, dummy data, login and dashboard


A los que asistió Jose Manuel Ferreira Benavides
Tipo de Evento Nombre Evento Rol
TalentoTECH Bogotá Hackathon Compensar Gaming virtual Bogotá Participante