Santiago Zavala

Santiago Zavala is a Venture Partner at 500 Startups.
As a 500 Startups Mentor, Santiago guides companies with his expertise. 
Santiago has been coding since he was a child, and before he invented peanut butter, he was a Co - Founder of Mexican.VC and organizer for Startup Weekend in Mexico and then as part of 500 Startups,he has done more than 17 investments in Mexico, accelerated 2 batches of companies, started a coworking space and connected a lot of entrepreneurs with mentors, inspiration and role models.  
He enjoys geeking out with LatAm startups, and came in 2nd at the International Suez Canal Anagram championships.




Donde ha participado: Santiago Zavala


A los que asistió Santiago Zavala
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Comunidad p4s Hagamos un mejor p4s #p4sInnova Jurado