Hoytrabajas.com Hoytrabajas.com

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Categorías:   Marketplace Empleo

HoyTrabajas.com is an online web/mobile platform that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in order to provide job seekers with temporary and part-time job opportunities that best fit their capabilities, skills and aspirations.

HoyTrabajas.com is an onlineweb/mobile platform that uses artificial intelligence and machine learningalgorithms in order to provide job seekers with temporary and part-time jobopportunities that best fit their capabilities, skills and aspirations.Candidates get found, matched, and alerted automatically, reducingsubstantially time and money spent trying to access suitable jobs. We careabout guaranteeing candidates a direct communication with employers in lessthan 24 hours from their application. Besides, using our platform services, wehelp corporates and small businesses reduce the recruitment time processes by75%, decrease hiring costs by 65% and early turnover from their staff by 40%.

Therefore, Hoytrabajas.com can bedescribed as the end-to-end solution that solves the main problems of jobfinding and employees recruitment based on use of high technology.




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