Guillermo Bermúdez Santos

Gerente en I-OPTIA

Guillermo Bermúdez Santos

Senior Mechanical Engineer with Master Degree in Subsea Engineering, with more than 40 years of worldwide experience on Engineering, Reliability, Asset Integrity, Maintenance and Operations of large industrial plants for processing sweet and sour gas, LNG, oil and gas producing assets, as well as, mineral beneficiation and mining heavy equipment; also with robust experience integrating Artificial Intelligence technologies with the mentioned operational disciplines to improve operating costs of large industrial assets.   

Worked for more than 34 for Chevron Oil Corporation in managerial, supervisory and execution roles on a variety of disciplines ranging from M&O, project and facilities engineering, reliability and safety, primarily for gas treatment and LNG plants, as well as Oil & Gas fields both offshore and onshore, in countries such as Australia, China, UK, Argentina, Kazakhstan, USA, Venezuela and Colombia.

Currently General manager and co-founder of I-Optia SAS, a company dedicated to developing digital solutions, based on Artificial Intelligence technology, for applications in industrial plants within the energy, pipelines and mining sectors.    

Co-founder of Brisk S.A.S. a company specialized in integrating technologies of Artificial Intelligence with reliability, process, operations, maintenance, and equipment engineering best practices, for optimizing operational costs of large oil, gas, pipelines and mineral processing plants.



Donde ha participado: Guillermo Bermúdez Santos
I-Optia SAS

I-Optia: Innovación, Optimización, Tecnología e Inteligencia Artificial. Combinamos la experiencia en Ingeniería y la tecnología, para mejorar la productividad de operaciones industriales.



A los que asistió Guillermo Bermúdez Santos
Tipo de Evento Nombre Evento Rol
RetoLAB Reto Ecopetrol - APPS.CO-MinTIC año 2020 Participante